Why Improv?

Facilitation in informal learning spaces, when done well, is an improvised conversation between visitors and facilitators. Applied Improvisation training helps facilitators develop skills and confidence in listening to visitors, being present in the moment, and responding in ways that are created in the moment between the visitor and the facilitator. 

More information can be found in this Connected Science Learning article (link).

Overview of Improv Sessions

As part of their Practice Based Facilitation training, participants should engage in 10 hours of applied improvisation training. We recommend this training be taught by a professional applied improvisation instructor and that participants complete at least two hours of applied improvisation training prior to starting the Module 1 Practice Based Facilitation training sessions.

Notes about finding and hiring a professional applied improvisation instructor can be found here (link).

Resources For Participants

Quick Read about applied improvisation to be read by participants after the first improv session (link).


Resources For Applied Improv Instructor

Please provide the document "An Introduction to an Introduction to Improv" (link) to the professional applied improvisation instructor you will be working with. This document provides guidance to the instructor for the improv training and connects it to goals of the facilitation training. It will also be helpful to provide the instructor with the Quick Read assigned to the students.